Hi Everyone, welcome to my website. I’m glad to have you here.
As a Rheologist/Soft Matter Scientist, I currently work on a variety of challenging topics in Fluid Mechanics, such as: multiphase flows and interfacial problems; elastic and elasto-inertial turbulence; turbulent drag reduction induced by polymers; and on behaviour of non-Newtonian materials. These researches are conducted from theoretical, experimental and numerical standpoints.
Feel free to take a look at my scientific publications, experiment/simulation images and videos available in my gallery. I would be happy to receive your comments on them.
2020-11-26: Archive pptx – Rheology and its applications
2020-01-24: I will give a talk on ‘Breakup of viscous vs. viscoplastic filaments’ at Agay (France), 24-26 June 2020, for GDR Mephy. This work is a collaboration between our team (CFL; CEMEF – Mines ParisTech), Professor Malcolm Mackley (University of Cambridge) and Doctor Simon Butler (University of Cambridge).
2019-08-28: Great News! Our article “Common features between the Newtonian laminar–turbulent transition and the viscoelastic drag-reducing turbulence“, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, is now available.
2019-08-15: Great News! Our article “Capillary, viscous, and geometrical effects on the buckling of power-law fluid filaments under compression stresses“, Computers and Fluids, is now available.
2019-01-07: Great News! Our article “The effect of viscosity, yield stress, and surface tension on the deformation and breakup profiles of fluid filaments stretched at very high velocities“, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, a collaboration between MINES ParisTech and University of Cambridge, is now available.
2018-10-15: Our work on “The universal nature of the Newtonian transition to turbulence and the viscoelastic drag reducing turbulence” has been accepted for presentation in the “GDR phénoménologie de la turbulence” held in Nice, on October 16-18, 2018.